Reviews about exchanger Changelly

How to check the cryptocurrency exchanger «Changelly» before starting work
Before starting work, we recommend that you clarify all the information regarding the rules and regulations of the exchange, as well as the AML/KYC policy on the website of the exchanger «Changelly». It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal identification and possible restrictions when making transactions in advance. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the exchange, you can clarify them by contacting the support of «Changelly» through the specified contact information or using the online widget on the website.
Rating and reviews for the crypto exchanger «Changelly»
The rating of the exchanger «Changelly» is formed on the basis of information from users and verified sources with reviews. On our website you can read the overall assessment of the platform to form your own opinion before making transactions.
What should I do if I have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly»?
If you have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly», first of all it is recommended to contact the administration of the exchanger. Use the contact information indicated on the site, or contact through the online support widget, which is often located at the bottom of the page.
Daniel Erache
26.11.2018 12:39:04
Robert Skeete
26.11.2018 12:37:25
George Organ
Fantastic , much easier than EXCHANGES
24.11.2018 21:51:27
Lior Boger
Amazing service and very fast support !!!
23.11.2018 16:12:51
Вы украли у меня 61000 XEM после вы их обналичили и потратили на свои нужды. Теперь что бы не возвращать вы придумываете истории с отмыванием денег. Месяц назад вы пообещали отменить обмен и вернуть мне 61000 XEM. Читайте письмо. Я более чем уверен что вы международная преступная группа похищающая вначале средства клиентов а после требуете от них какие-то документы подтверждающие их местонахождения с целью совершения разбойных нападений для присвоения активов криптовалют. Вы всячески скрываете свое местонахождения, а так же скрываете свои имена при этом требуете от клиентов раскрыть эту информацию о себе. Вы не находите в этом ничего странного?! В чем суть расследования? вы объясните откуда у вас активы на счетах, где вы зарегистрированы где ваши документы на законную деятельность?===Неделю назад вы отправляли жалобы на мои претензии в trustpilot с целью что бы сервис удалил мои претензии. ВЫ считаете это нормальным? В ближайшее время во всех известных поисковиках будет запущена реклама о вашей деятельности.======Dear Customer, please take into account that your case is still being investigated by our legal team. KYC procedure was applied to your transactions due to the fact that they had been marked by our risk-management system as your XEM wallet addresses had been founded in the database shared among other crypto services and trading platforms that includes addresses that might be potentially involved in fraudulent activities.Please keep in mind that Changelly service will not enter a business arrangement with individual or entity suspected of or directly involved in money laundering, or in which the funds have been the source of illegal activity hence a thorough investigation is required for your case.For any inquiries and questions concerning your transactions, we do recommend you to contact our team directly, namely at ==============
23.11.2018 16:11:44
Rico Do
changelly is simply the best, buy any coin from them and receive it within less than 30 mins simple as that.
23.11.2018 16:11:10
lajili moez
le top des application pour changer vos pièces
22.11.2018 15:44:14
mohammad afraz
Hello, you are a good site
22.11.2018 15:36:43
Currently, changelly is the only exchange that i use. I love how easy and quick it is. Everyone should use this exchange.
20.11.2018 15:42:07
Jordan Caycho
It's the first time that i exchange online and this is by far the best option!!
19.11.2018 13:00:34