Reviews about exchanger Changelly

How to check the cryptocurrency exchanger «Changelly» before starting work
Before starting work, we recommend that you clarify all the information regarding the rules and regulations of the exchange, as well as the AML/KYC policy on the website of the exchanger «Changelly». It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal identification and possible restrictions when making transactions in advance. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the exchange, you can clarify them by contacting the support of «Changelly» through the specified contact information or using the online widget on the website.
Rating and reviews for the crypto exchanger «Changelly»
The rating of the exchanger «Changelly» is formed on the basis of information from users and verified sources with reviews. On our website you can read the overall assessment of the platform to form your own opinion before making transactions.
What should I do if I have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly»?
If you have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly», first of all it is recommended to contact the administration of the exchanger. Use the contact information indicated on the site, or contact through the online support widget, which is often located at the bottom of the page.
musa şimşek
fast, trust and brilliant
18.03.2019 10:55:28
Works fine and it's very easy to use. Support is good.
18.03.2019 10:55:00
They are very very good at support service.thry are fast and helpful
18.03.2019 10:54:38
Scott “Halley” Griffith
18.03.2019 10:53:52
Hillsey London
ERC-20 Swap of Kin to Kin Coin completed successfully.Thank you
18.03.2019 10:42:10
18.03.2019 10:40:51
hamed farri
thanks . you are the best
18.03.2019 10:40:33
Very Very Very good Support Teamevery time you can speak with Customer Service
18.03.2019 09:54:46
Miguel Coria
I haven't had any problems with any of my exchanges. Also, It makes me feel better knowing that customer support is live.Keep up the great work!
18.03.2019 09:54:30
Metal Virus
Awesome Service! Quick, easy and trusting.
18.03.2019 09:53:39