Reviews about exchanger Changelly

How to check the cryptocurrency exchanger «Changelly» before starting work
Before starting work, we recommend that you clarify all the information regarding the rules and regulations of the exchange, as well as the AML/KYC policy on the website of the exchanger «Changelly». It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal identification and possible restrictions when making transactions in advance. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the exchange, you can clarify them by contacting the support of «Changelly» through the specified contact information or using the online widget on the website.
Rating and reviews for the crypto exchanger «Changelly»
The rating of the exchanger «Changelly» is formed on the basis of information from users and verified sources with reviews. On our website you can read the overall assessment of the platform to form your own opinion before making transactions.
What should I do if I have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly»?
If you have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly», first of all it is recommended to contact the administration of the exchanger. Use the contact information indicated on the site, or contact through the online support widget, which is often located at the bottom of the page.
Jonathan Marvick
I was looking for a way to convert my GUSD to BNB without incurring a ridiculous cost due to gas prices and Changelly helped a lot with that. The process was very easy and it was explained step-by-step. I had no issues other than getting my funds together for sending the original GUSD for gas and that is an an obvious easy fix. I bought some ETH for gas and sent it off and presto! only took a few minutes and had my GUSD converted to BNB.
07.09.2021 16:16:30
Well I wanted to exchange my Ethereum to Shiba but my transaction failed without giving me back my Ethereum. I communicated with their support and everything was fixed in no time they also gave me a refund to have my Ethereum back. Amazing Support and they will immediately help you.
07.09.2021 16:16:00
Marie Van den Driesen
Great Support Team at Changelly I forgot to add the additional code Stellar required so my transaction was hung up. The awesome support team at Changelly assured me they could fix this manually but it would take a few days. They even gave me the choice of continuing with the transaction, or having XLM returned to my wallet. Great support team!!
03.09.2021 08:10:14
PERET Cédric
Bonjour A fuir de toute urgence , non professionnel, absence d'explication du mois de juillet je fais un échange Aave vers Etherum, tout ce passe bien comme à l'habitude. La transaction apparaît comme non payée sur leur application mais mes tokens sont prélevés et aucun Etherum n'arrive sur mon compte. Depuis dialogue de sourd: changelly me renvoie la faute en prétextant qu'il ne font pas ce type d'échange, que j'ai renseigner la mauvaise adresse, adresse générée par l'application elle même un comble. Donc aujourd'hui je suis réduit à espérer retoucher mes fonds peut être en 2100 si je suis chanceux , comme me la bien fait comprendre le service clients , très professionnel avec une considération du client proche du néant. Aujourd'hui cela fait 50 jours que je n'ai pas de nouvelles de leurs part , si ce n'est : on s'occupe de votre cas , notre partenaire traitera votre dossier quand il aura le temps ou pas . je ne me fais plus de faux espoir , ne faites plus d'échange avec Changelly . Ce sont des voleurs !!!
01.09.2021 10:09:45
Taveon Hurd
In cryptocurrency, it's not too often you get even decent customer service in a business day or two. With changelly, I had an issue with a transaction contacted the 24/7 customer support chat and the rep found and forwarded my problem to tech support to resolve it within 5 minutes. I can't even get my personal bank to read my message in that amount of time, nevertheless, solve it. Whatever direction changelly is going, they're considering their customers 100% of the way.
01.09.2021 09:56:11
Хочу оставить положительный отзыв. Я совершил ошибку, отправив 2 раза криптовалюту на один адрес, из за лага в кошельке. Обмен прошёл успешно, но второй перевод ушёл в никуда. Связался с службой поддержки, ребята отреагировали сразу, и в течении 8 дней вернули вторую ошибочную транзакцию обратно. Отличный сервис, рекомендую всем. Пользуюсь их услугами с 2017г.
01.09.2021 09:55:11
Julian Tatton
Fast and easy but rugged on price. I received 20% less than the quote!
25.08.2021 09:04:57
James Fagan
Very easy place to make crypto currency purchases. They always answer Support email within minutes and I’ll continue to use their services.Highly professional!
25.08.2021 09:03:13
Ryan S.
Changelly was very trustworthy. They corrected my mistake and did it accordingly. I was thankful. In particular, Marceline, whom I'm spoke to for help was super helpful. Thanks!
16.08.2021 11:06:21
Jeremiah Williams
Used few times, always smooth transactions.
16.08.2021 11:05:31