Reviews about exchanger Changelly

How to check the cryptocurrency exchanger «Changelly» before starting work
Before starting work, we recommend that you clarify all the information regarding the rules and regulations of the exchange, as well as the AML/KYC policy on the website of the exchanger «Changelly». It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal identification and possible restrictions when making transactions in advance. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the exchange, you can clarify them by contacting the support of «Changelly» through the specified contact information or using the online widget on the website.
Rating and reviews for the crypto exchanger «Changelly»
The rating of the exchanger «Changelly» is formed on the basis of information from users and verified sources with reviews. On our website you can read the overall assessment of the platform to form your own opinion before making transactions.
What should I do if I have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly»?
If you have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly», first of all it is recommended to contact the administration of the exchanger. Use the contact information indicated on the site, or contact through the online support widget, which is often located at the bottom of the page.
The Assassin
I have used this exchange only once, but I was very happy. Without any government or bank interference or monitoring, I was able to convert one crypto for another easily and quickly. Since I maintain ownership of both wallets, there is only a brief time when I had to trust the exchange with my crypto. KYC exchanges can easily be hacked causing you to not only loose your crypto but your personal information as well. Thank You Changelly for respecting the 4th Amendment.
04.09.2019 16:12:31
tuyệt vời lắm
28.08.2019 02:01:45
bob bisoo
Good I hope for you guys good time
26.08.2019 14:42:44
Cesar Mendoza
ayudame a publiacar eate anuncio y te ira bien siempre.../
26.08.2019 14:42:02
Mr Mo
My first transaction is being hold back for KYC purposes. I wanted to buy Monero with BTC. Simple exchange, no credit card involved etc.Transaction is frozen since several days even though I uploaded ID copies and sent them proof of purchasing the BTC.Every time I send the proofs I don't get any reply. When I ask whats the status I receive the same email all over again "to send proof that the BTC belongs to me". Happened now 7 times in a row with no result.For me clearly a SCAM and a strategy to make customers give up on their money. I won't give up, thats for sure.ID v414kzpyf6sir8td
23.08.2019 10:38:14
Edwin M Erese
23.08.2019 10:26:25
20.08.2019 13:28:58
Sarai Estrada
excellent! good rates and it is fast.
20.08.2019 13:22:19
非常に良い 交換所です。送金が早いし、対応が親切です。
20.08.2019 13:21:45
Quick response from helpdesk when I had a question. Transactions goes well.
20.08.2019 13:20:54