Reviews about exchanger Changelly

How to check the cryptocurrency exchanger «Changelly» before starting work
Before starting work, we recommend that you clarify all the information regarding the rules and regulations of the exchange, as well as the AML/KYC policy on the website of the exchanger «Changelly». It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal identification and possible restrictions when making transactions in advance. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions of the exchange, you can clarify them by contacting the support of «Changelly» through the specified contact information or using the online widget on the website.
Rating and reviews for the crypto exchanger «Changelly»
The rating of the exchanger «Changelly» is formed on the basis of information from users and verified sources with reviews. On our website you can read the overall assessment of the platform to form your own opinion before making transactions.
What should I do if I have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly»?
If you have problems during the exchange on the site «Changelly», first of all it is recommended to contact the administration of the exchanger. Use the contact information indicated on the site, or contact through the online support widget, which is often located at the bottom of the page.
Обменивал эфир на биток, все пришло в течение получаса. Комиссия тоже норм. Обменник хорошо подходит если нужно в короткие сроки обменять небольшие суммы
16.01.2020 11:17:00
Неплохой обменник. После того как снизили фи, потестил пару раз, оценил скорость транзы. Сейчас, как я понимаю, еще курс выравнивают - заметил, что рейт LTC-BTC почти всегда лучше чем у других похожих платформ. Неплохо, неплохо
16.01.2020 11:08:00
Aras Rizkiah
this is great and best exchange swap! and very low fees! i do research before in many swap platform and the fees too big! guys this one is reccomended for you used!
15.01.2020 13:28:40
БЫстро. Удобная форма заполнения без лишних строк.
14.01.2020 19:17:00
Amir Salehi
Hi guys ,I confess that Changelly was good in the past , but these days they just think to gain more profit from customer , for instance I changed USDT to Neo , It was supposed to give me 21 neo , but because of price fluctuation they just give me 20 neo . How much was the amount of fluctuation ? 4 dollar !!!! Estimated price of Neo was about 10 dollar!!Their customer service didn't response to my problem properly till now .
13.01.2020 14:16:25
MH Sanaei
fast,safe,good price
13.01.2020 13:16:07
Amy Rose
09.01.2020 09:48:20
Peasley C
09.01.2020 09:48:07
Enmanuel Azuaje
Excellent service! Its action speed, support and ease make it very special
04.01.2020 18:26:36
Steven Cabrera Londoño
Es una de las mejores web apps para comprar cryptomonedas
04.01.2020 18:26:31